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OTC Course Fall 2024 Cohort 3

OTC Course Fall 2024 Cohort 3

OTC Course Fall 2024 Cohort 3
October 18 to November 22, 2024

This is an asynchronous hybrid course on Canvas. Faculty learners will take the course at their own pace and complete the 17 assignments by the class end date. This course is HYBRID because meeting times for one-on-one assistance to complete the course are available at Faculty Learner’s request to accommodate their schedule.

During the OTC Course, Faculty Learners will build their sandbox to apply what they learn during Step 2: APPQMR.

Online Teaching Course (OTC): This course is the first of two steps for Online Teaching Certification at San Antonio College for Faculty. The workshop will introduce Faculty Learners to Canvas as well as different tools and techniques that can be used on their own course to ensure students are fully involved in the learning process. It will emphasize research-based teaching strategies that will positively impact students' experiences in the online or hybrid classroom. In addition, the workshop will provide the opportunity to experiment with many of the Canvas tools available when building a course. This OTC course is also an opportunity for faculty learners to sample online learning from the student's perspective.

The OTC course is arranged in a series of topics and related tasks. During the training, faculty learners will be building their own online/hybrid course simultaneously in a Canvas Sandbox. For example, they will learn about the importance of applying the SAC Course Layout which includes elements for a good online course home page, and then build their home page within their SandBox course. Faculty learners will be able to use content from their existing courses, their department, and their colleagues.  

A complete list of all sessions are available in Alamo Talent.  To register for the course, access AlamoTALENT via ACES and within the search box, search for “SAC OTC”.   

Thursday, October 31, 2024 Show more dates
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Joan Jaimes
Joan Jaimes

Director of Teaching and Learning