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EDUC 1300: Morris, Kenneth In-Person

Full Name
Kenneth Morris
kmorris3@alamo.edu View User History
4-letter Course Name (ie, ENGL, BIOL, ARTS)
4-digit Course Number (ie, 1300, 1301, 2301)
3-digit Course Section Number (use commas to separate multiple course section numbers if scheduling multiple sections with this one booking)
5-digit CRN (use commas to separate multiple CRNs if scheduling multiple sections with this one booking)
Is this for a Dual Credit / Early College High School course section?
What general area of research or topics will your students be exploring?
Career Research (Occupational Transition)
What will your students do or create with the sources they find?
Stay Focused on Your Career Research !!! *Note: This is individual research that will provide the necessary information for your PPT/PPTX presentation... The following project will be comprised of TWO PARTS: PART I. You will analyze and conduct in-depth research about a future profession or occupational field of choice after college graduation. Therefore, you will construct a research paper and incorporate one (1) contemporary peer-reviewed journal article that supports your findings. Example: Wages, Job satisfaction, Projected growth, Area demographics. Your Career Research paper criteria will follow the (APA 7e guidelines): 5 pages total (combined): 1. Title page 2. Abstract (150-250 words) *Never add internal citations to your Abstract! 3. Main Body (one page only) *Add integrated peer-reviewed article information here. 4. Conclusion *You can add your peer-reviewed article information here as well. 5. Reference Page -APA 7e formatting (student sample paper) w/ Abstract: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html Links to an external site. -APA 7e Student Sample paper (Word doc): https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa_sample_paper.html Links to an external site. -Grading will be primarily on correct formatting…NOT CONTENT! DO NOT FORGET... Provide at least 1 contemporary peer-reviewed journal article. The article information must be listed on your reference page (last page), and the referenced information/data must be added to your research paper (internal citation). *Note/Reminder: Usually internal citations are placed within the main body or conclusion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART II. Create a PPT/PPTX presentation on the findings that you placed in your research paper. Have fun and be creative! *Add pictures and screenshots Your PowerPoint Presentation Length: No more than 2-3 slides Again, the information on your slides must complement and coincide with your career research paper. Remember... you can pick ANY job or career that you're interested in. Now, this can be a childhood dream i.e. doctor, ballerina, vet, race car driver, or a current position. Nothing is too BIG or too SMALL. Remember, you have to incorporate the previous research and findings for that occupation. For example... -How much does that field pay? -How much school is needed? -Where is the best location for that profession or market (city)? (This is where you use your Alamo database) -Which college offers that major or certification? Or... who inspired you towards that profession? Upon completion, UPLOAD your APA paper and PPT/PPTX presentation into the appropriate Canvas assignment slot BEFORE YOU PRESENT! *A failure to present will result in ZERO points earned.
On the day students attend the library class, **at what point will they be** in their research process?
general area of research identified; they will need help narrowing and defining a specific research topic
Any additional notes or requests?
Is this request for a face-to-face class or an online class via Zoom?
face-to-face class
Date Submitted
11:46am Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Space 1 of 1
In-Person or Zoom - Mediated Tentative
10:45am - 12:00pm, Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
10:45am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
MLC 209
  Education     Librarian: Brendan Carrell  

Event Organizer

Brendan Carrell
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SAC Library